You don’t need to be an expert to be a good mom; you just need the Lord’s help. Learn how to seek out the best parenting Guide—the Holy Ghost—in this insightful and inspiring book. With personal stories, research, and interviews, this is every mother’s must-read handbook for finding answers and keeping the Spirit in her home.
About the author:
Heidi Poelman was born in Provo, Utah. She lived in North Carolina, San Diego, London, and Mexico before planting her roots firmly back in the Beehive State. Heidi received her degrees in communication from Brigham Young University (BA) and Wake Forest University (MA). Her experience includes working in public relations for high-tech companies, helping college students fight global poverty, teaching families about nutritious food storage options, writing stories for children, and her favorite post as full-time Mom. Heidi is the author of A is for Abinadi: An Alphabet Book of Scripture Heroes as well as several stories published in The Friend magazine. Her biggest fans are her husband and three children.
From Reidhead Randomness:
A Mother's Greatest Gift is a wonderful book for ALL mothers! It helps you to recognize and strengthen your connection to the spirit and teaches you to depend on the Lord for all your parenting questions.
The first Chapter talks about motherhood (The most important job on Earth) and why God cares so much. It shares quotes by general authorities and stories. Some of the next chapters cover The Holy Ghost, Promptings, Prayers from mothers, and The voice of warning. The chapter discussing strengthening our ability to hear was very insightful. Great quotes, scriptures and stories abound as we, the reader, are taught how we can be closer to the spirit to be able to hear and recognize the spirit prompting us. (It was probably the longest chapter too). The book wraps up with teaching our children to HEAR.
What a wonderful book for mothers of all ages.....whether you have young kids, teens, or grown kids, there is something for everyone. This would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift!
I received a copy to do my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
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