What happens in a national park doesn’t stay in a national park. It often ends up in Robert Braithwaite’s courtroom—or sometimes on his kitchen table. Over a lifetime of administering justice, he saw everything from canoodling nudes to sheep hunters with drones to downright dangerous drug cartels. This collection of cases is so outrageous and bizarre you’ll have to read it to believe it.
About the author:
Robert Braithwaite currently resides in Cedar City, Utah. He attended Southern Utah University and the University of Utah, graduating in 1973 with a B. S. in Political Science in 1973. He graduated from the University of Utah School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree in 1976. As an attorney he maintained a private practice and served as City Attorney for Cedar City, Parowan and Springdale. He also served for eight years as a member of the Utah Air Conservation Committee, the statutorily-established body regulating pollution emissions in the state.
In a twenty-seven year career as a judge, Robert Braithwaite has been a circuit judge, a district judge, a juvenile judge, a pro tem Utah Supreme Court judge and is now a U. S. magistrate judge. While a state judge, he served on the Utah Judicial Council, the governing board of the Utah state judiciary, and served as chairman of its Policy and Planning subcommittee. As a part-time magistrate judge he now hears criminal cases arising in the southern half of Utah, usually occurring in National Parks and Monuments, National Forests, and federal lands. Needless to say, he rides a circuit, hearing cases in four diverse locations at St. George, Big Water, Moab, and Salt Lake City.
His wife is an artist and art professor. Together they have raised four children.
Reidhead Randomness:
Take a trip around Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell, Zion, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Arches and Canyonland without ever leaving your seat! The author of Have Gavel Will Travel is quite the word-smith! The descriptions are so detailed of the beautiful landscape and scenery, that you would swear you had actually been there!
If you haven't been to Lake Powel (I haven't), It was surprising to find out that there is a convenience store called "Dangling Rope" that is in the MIDDLE OF THE LAKE! Not only that, but that there is more ice cream, beer and soda pop sold there than any other convenience store in the country!!!
There are LOTS of surprises, interesting tid bits, and fun stories that await you in this fun read! It also gives you a real feel for what it is really like to be a judge (Many of them I hadn't ever thought of!). If you enjoy reading about funny cases or strange courtroom trials, this would be a fun book for you. It is well written and easy to read.
I received a copy to write my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
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