Thursday, April 2, 2015

GIVEAWAY! Win a FREE Color RUN Salt Lake City code...and a discount code!

Want to do the Color Run!? It was so much fun last year! 

How about a coupon code?? Use code: TCRSLC2 and save $5!  

Color run coupon code: Use code TCRSLC2 and save $5!

 A global phenomenon is reaching all new heights as The Color Run Shine Tour 2015 jumps from sea to shining sea. Are you ready Salt Lake City for 8/22?! With sparkly new course elements, The Color Run is bringing you all the glitz. Dance, twirl or skip your way to sparkley goodness! Sign up today!Sign up TODAY! 

HURRY before the price increases! 

Experience the Shine Tour Aug 22, 2015!
The Shine Tour is here! We have so many surprises in store for you! Grab your besties and spread the word because tickets will go fast!
Team (4+) Runners* Individual Runner
$35.00/person - Team Runner Pricing $39.50 - Solo Runner Pricing
$40.00/person - Starting April 1st, 2015 $45.00 - Starting April 1st, 2015
$45.00/person - Starting July 1st, 2015 $50.00 - Starting July 1st, 2015
*A team is 4+ friends running, laughing, and dancing through the course together. You don't need a full team to get started! Get yourself signed up today and then round up your team!  Encourage them to signup ASAP...creating a team does not hold or reserve spots.  The event can sell out at any time.

We can’t wait to see you! Below is all the information you will need to be ready for race day. Grab your tutus, your friends, and your running shoes and we’ll see you at the start line!

Start Window

The start-line window will open at 9:00 AM with waves going every few minutes until about 10:00 AM! Make sure you plan your day with plenty of time. At The Color Run, the start line is its own pre-race party with music, dancing, warmup stretching and giveaways!

Course Map

Library Square, Downtown SLC
200 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

What Is The Color Run?

At more than 1,000,000+ Color Runners strong, The Color Run is on almost every single continent on EARTH!

Less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having the time of your life, The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.
With only two rules, the idea is easy to follow:
1. Wear white at the starting line
2. Finish plastered in color!
The fun continues after Color Runners complete the race with an unforgettable Finish Festival. This larger than life party is equipped with music, dancing and massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-5k party on the planet!
It's a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. We're making rainbows all over the world, come join us!


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