About the book:
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been easier. This book was written to help bishops, ward mission leaders, stake presidents, stake public affairs directors, mission presidents, and every day member missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, learn to navigate and appreciate the potential of social media in their missionary efforts. Explanations, ideas, and strategies are provided on how to incorporate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other networks into Mormon missionary efforts. This ebook makes it easy for even social media beginners to effectively share the gospel online.
About the author:
Erin Ann McBride is the author of Sharing the Gospel through Social Media, Increase E-Book Sales with Social Media Marketing, and the novels, You Heard It Here First, This Just In!, and Beyond Perfection. She is also a columnist for LDS-oriented Meridian Magazine. She is a full-time social media marketing consultant and writer. She graduated from George Mason University in Communications. She lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC.
This was a quick read with only 69 pages....but they were able to pack LOADS of information in this tiny but mighty book! It begins by introducing you to the power and influence that IS social media. It helps you step by step to set up a facebook page, helps you understand hashtags and how tweets can go viral, what you can do on twitter, and some examples of @ __________ of church leaders and other church related things. Another great section was the instagram background and usage information and the pinterest lay of the land. It next goes on to help you understand youtube and where you can find different youtube church "channels". Next topic covered is "all those other social media sites", but they are much less common and popular. Blogging is also covered briefly. The final chapters cover social media strategies for group leaders and some final thoughts on sharing the gospel.
There are many references to talks given by church leaders inviting us to share the gospel. One thing it does well is explain that there are many ways in using our social media resources to reach out to others in a personal way. It talks about how each network tool reaches a different audience with a different effect, so certain sites may work better than others for a particular audience.
This is a great beginners guide to all that is social media!
I received a free copy of this book to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
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