About the book:
It’s bacon time! With breakfasts, dinners, desserts, and everything in between, this full-color novelty cookbook proves that everything really is better with bacon. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for your bacon-obsessed friend or you’re a bacon aficionado yourself, you’ll love the mouthwatering recipes and fun facts in The Bacon Lover’s Cookbook.
About the author:
Christina Dymock graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications. She currently resides in Central Utah with her husband and four children who are often her inspiration for new recipes and ideas. Among other things, she enjoys cycling, skiing, wakeboarding, sewing, reading, and baking. You can contact Christina through her blog at: http://christinadymock.wordpress.com
Where do I begin?!
I. LOVE. COOKBOOKS. And choosing a favorite would be like trying to choose a favorite child.....well, ALMOST. But having said that, I think this might be my newest favorite cookbook!
The book begins your salivary glands flowing by "teaching" you the methods of cooking bacon (Fry, bake, broil, microwave, iron, bbq) with helpful hints and tricks to teach you the PROPER way to cook bacon. There is also a page dedicated to tips for cooking bacon to get it perfect, along with other bacon know-how. I found it helpful and very interesting.
Breakfast starts us off down our bacon fest with fabulous recipes like applesauce bacon dippers and bacon sticky buns. These aren't traditional breakfasts with the bacon on the side....OH NO! They are fully integrated in each recipe. There are also some surprises like waffle sandwiches and breakfast enchiladas.
Sequentially, lunch follows with tempting edibles like "Can't help falling in love with bacon sandwich" (Elvis inspired with bacon, peanut butter, banana and brown sugar....Ya gotta try it!), a giant cob sandwich, and a chicken bacon salad sandwich.
Not to be out done, the dinner section was the best! There were soups, burgers, steak bites, pasta dishes, chicken smothered with bacon, chicken wrapping bacon and cheese, pizza, and skewers. My favorite was the Chicken Bacon Jack. DELICIOUS!
Side dishes section is full of yummy dishes like bacon and broccoli bake, baked beans, and bacon and onion bread.
I think the funnest section is the SWEETS! (Who would have thought to put white chocolate rice krispy treats and bacon together!?) There are LOTS of fun recipes ranging from bacon cookies, bacon caramel dipped apples, cupcakes, brownies, and CARAMELS! There were so many fun sweets recipes in the book that it made me think of bacon in a totally different light! (I have heard bacon referred to as "MEAT CANDY").
A fun addition to each page is the "Bacon Bits".....a little tidbit of information relating to BACON...whether its facts about quantity purchase in the US, bacon "fests", uses for the greese, etc. (There was a little typo on pages 83 and 84 as they share the same exact bacon bit).
Definitely a cookbook worth having in your collection....or maybe 2 copies, since one will probably get drooled on from having a picture of EVERY. SINGLE. RECIPE....or from getting grease from all this bacon you will now be enjoying!
Did I mention there was a picture for every single recipe!:?
Cedar Fort provided me a free copy of this fabulous cookbook for me to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
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