About the book:
Stay spiritually strong your whole life long! This unique guide for returned sister missionaries provides counsel to help you transition into post-mission life. Filled with self-assessment quizzes, journal prompt questions, scripture study suggestions, and personal experiences from over 200 sister missionaries, this book will teach you how to make the most of life after your mission.
About the author:
Andrea Faulkner Williams is a writer, marketer, wife, mother, and returned sister missionary. She served in the Illinois Nauvoo Mission as well as the Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission. A graduate of Brigham Young University with a BA in Latin American Studies, she currently works from home as a social media strategist, and serves as The Young Women’s President in her ward.
Reidhead Randomness:
This book is very timely in its release as there are a lot of Sisters returning from the mission field. Since the change to lower the age required to serve an LDS mission in October 2012, the amount of sisters coming home has greatly increased. This book shares mission stories and experiences of how she transitioned back to "normal" life. She shares some of the challenges ("wicked" songs on the radio, wearing pants again, flirting, and surfing the web) of getting back to life after mission. This is the go to guide on how to bridge the gap between the missionary identity, and the post missionary self. She helps you to use the wonderful things you learned on your mission (scheduling, for example) and get the next chapter of your life in motion. There are many stories of her apprehension of shopping, dating, updating her look, and catching up on the events that took place while she was gone. She offers tips and guidance of how she got through all these challenges. This book is written very much to returned sister missionaries, but it was a fun read for me (I didn't serve a mission).
As a side note, It is a "pretty" book inside...Some of the writing is in a deep purple/red color. That gives it a nice touch and variety.
I received a copy of this book to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.
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