Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy First Day of Home School!

Happy First day of HOME SCHOOL!!!

 I always wrap up their school books and supplies and a few other surprises each year and they get to open them on the first day!  Its super fun!!!

I am really excited for the new school year and the new books and subjects we will cover this year!  YAY!!!

My 10 Year Journal

10 Year it yourself!

This is a super cute idea to make a 10 year journal! 

I don't really take time to write a journal like I used to when I was a teenager (and thought people would care about my crazy drama some day), but I think I can handle writing A SENTENCE a day!

I loved that you could record each day's events in the same place every year.  Then, when writing, you can see the highlights of that day in your history.  I didn't like the thought of the box getting dumped and having to reorganize them all.  So I decided to get a journal instead.  The other nice thing about a journal is that you can record more information each day (more lines and more room).  I thought this was great since my life is SOOO eventful! 

Here's how to make one:

I found a journal with 400 pages (200 SHEETS) at Walmart for just under $13.  I picked a nicer one since it will be hanging around for quite a while (10 years!?!)Just make sure your journal has at least 365 pages (one for each day). Journals are tricky...they count the front and back as two separate pages, like a book instead of a notebook.

 Now you just stamp or write the date at the top of each page.  Make sure you just write the month and day/date not the year or day of the week. Example = January 1 ( Jan. 01) or March 13 (Mar. 13)  not January 1, 2010 or Saturday, January 1.

I tried to put the date toward the top left corner of each page so that the date on the back of the page wouldn't show through the front.

 If you have access to a date stamp (like libraries used in the past) you can easily add your dates. Just make sure you turn the year to the blank space.

Also make sure you add February 29th even though there is no 29th of February this year!

You can also mark special days, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. by writing them at the top of the page. 

That's it!  Not too hard and now you can keep a record of your exciting events!

Now I just write the year and the eventfulness of the day.
If this seems like too much work you have 2 other options:
1.  You can download a free PDF 10 year journal that you can punch holes in and place in a binder here.)
2.  You can purchase your own 10+ Year Journal here

Ideas from: perpetual calendar journal at Better Life Blog. Who used this tutorial from Design Sponge. Idea and content from HERE

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holidays & days to Celebrate!

I was just sorting through some old mail and papers...good ol' dejunking.  I came across a calendar from The Oriental Trading Co. and was flipping through it.  I figured there was coupons, etc...but something that I noticed when I went to August was that there are funny holidays printed on there as well.  So....Guess what tomorrow is.....Yep...back to (home) school day.  Oh wait.  The REAL holiday printed in the calendar.....its National Tooth Fairy Day!  Yep.  Kinda funny....but none the less true!  So we will be celebrating by going to "The Sweet Tooth Fairy" shop.  Its a super cute bakery close to our house.  I guess it will be our first (of MANY) fieldtrip of the year.  Cake I come!

I guess I am just sad I missed National Relaxation Day on the 15th! 

I am excited for the first day of school tomorrow.  Lots of fun curriculum and projects!