I have been in a funk lately! I have all these great plans and wonderful ideas, but never seem to get them to go as planned. We ran into a friend the other day that have a daughter that is about 5 months younger than Rachel. Their little girl can talk circles around my sweet Rachel. It made me feel like an under-achiever. With homeschool, I make great lesson plans and have great activities planned, but pretty soon those fall by the wayside.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I don't think its that I have bit off more than I can chew. I don't think its lack of sleep.
I can't wait to take a girls day out next week. I am really looking forward to it! Park City, here we come!
I started a new piano student yesterday. I hope it went well. I haven't had many beginning students....most of my students come to me having had some lessons and its a guessing game to see where to start them. This new student is an older beginner. I think the lesson went well. I love to teach piano lessons and see the accomplishment of students!
It seems that I set certain expectations for myself and when I don't meet them (as a Mom, Homeschool teacher, piano teacher, homemaker, financial planner, cook, cleaner, etc) I beat myself up. I guess I just need to be easier on myself. This is my goal.....Repeat after me: I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!