Wednesday, April 29, 2015

FUN at Fat Cats in Salt Lake City!

FatCats is your number one stop for great entertainment! At FatCats we have created an unique experience that will bring you back time and time again! What other place can you have this much fun under one roof? At FatCats you can bowl, play mini golf and have a giant slice of Pepperoni pizza. Don't forget that each center has a full service arcade, with some of the latest and greatest games. Visit our website to find a location Near you!

No other place around is better for your event than FatCats. Whether your event is corporate, family, school or charitable, FatCats will take the work and stress from off your shoulders and make your event an experience that is sure to bring you back. Check out our website or call a location near you to book an event packages that fits your budget. Brace yourself for an experience you won't forget!
Rachel at our most recent visit to Fat Cats, Salt Lake City

Fat Cats offers the ultimate birthday party experience for kids of all ages! Great fun and Great prices! Our party specialists will take care of everything for you. FatCats is the nation's number one party destination with exciting activities. Don't wait, Sign up at for your next Children's Birthday party and we will send you a free Birthday gift!

Buy 1 Get 1 FREE During Thunder Alley at Fat Cats Fun. Some restrictions apply. @usfg

Review: Stranded

Stranded blog tourAbout the book:
Kazakhstan is on the brink of civil war, and Elders Schofield and Johnson need to get out ASAP. But when their train explodes, all the evidence points to the missionaries! With terrorists on their trail and the whole country against them, the elders’ only refuge is the US Embassy in Astana—800 miles away. Fans of “The Saratov Approach” will love this jaw-dropping thriller.

About the author:
Born and raised in Springville, Utah, the first time Nathan Huffaker boarded a plane was when he left home to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kiev, Ukraine. The two years he spent in Kiev later helped him to base parts of “Stranded” on his missionary experiences. Huffaker recently graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in English and now resides in Spanish Fork, Utah, with his wife and five kids.

From Reidhead Randomness:

This was a fun book!  It takes you on quite the emotional, action, adventurous journey.   You follow Elders Johnson and Schofield on their journey in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

 I looked up Almaty, Kazakhstan on a map/Wikipedia:  (It is a country in Central Asia, with its smaller part west of the Ural River in Europe.[3] Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country by land area and the ninth largest country in the world; its territory of 2,724,900 square kilometres (1,052,100 sq mi) is larger than Western Europe.[3][7] It has borders with (clockwise from the north) Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, and also adjoins a large part of the Caspian Sea.).  So that gives you a quick idea of where this book takes place.

Stranded has many teaching moments.  In the very first chapter, there is a great example of how missionaries should teach by the Spirit, rather than argue...which drives the Spirit away.  It also tells much about the culture of Almaty, like the wearing of slippers in the house, and how guests are expected to wear them too.

This was a very exciting book that I tried not to read at night because I couldn't put it down.  I would stay up way too late reading!  The story moves very quickly and you are half way through the book before you even know it!

I received the book in order to be able to do a review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Want to do the Color Run!? It was so much fun last year! 

How about a coupon code?? Use code: TCRSLC2 and save $5!  

Color run coupon code: Use code TCRSLC2 and save $5!

 A global phenomenon is reaching all new heights as The Color Run Shine Tour 2015 jumps from sea to shining sea. Are you ready Salt Lake City for 8/22?! With sparkly new course elements, The Color Run is bringing you all the glitz. Dance, twirl or skip your way to sparkley goodness! Sign up today!Sign up TODAY! 

HURRY before the price increases!


The Shine Tour is here! We have so many surprises in store for you! Grab your besties and spread the word because tickets will go fast!
Team (4+) Runners* Individual Runner
$35.00/person - Team Runner Pricing $39.50 - Solo Runner Pricing
$40.00/person - Starting April 1st, 2015 $45.00 - Starting April 1st, 2015
$45.00/person - Starting July 1st, 2015 $50.00 - Starting July 1st, 2015
*A team is 4+ friends running, laughing, and dancing through the course together. You don't need a full team to get started! Get yourself signed up today and then round up your team!  Encourage them to signup ASAP...creating a team does not hold or reserve spots.  The event can sell out at any time.

We can’t wait to see you! Below is all the information you will need to be ready for race day. Grab your tutus, your friends, and your running shoes and we’ll see you at the start line!

Start Window

The start-line window will open at 9:00 AM with waves going every few minutes until about 10:00 AM! Make sure you plan your day with plenty of time. At The Color Run, the start line is its own pre-race party with music, dancing, warmup stretching and giveaways!

Course Map

Library Square, Downtown SLC
200 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

What Is The Color Run?

At more than 1,000,000+ Color Runners strong, The Color Run is on almost every single continent on EARTH!

Less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having the time of your life, The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.
With only two rules, the idea is easy to follow:
1. Wear white at the starting line
2. Finish plastered in color!
The fun continues after Color Runners complete the race with an unforgettable Finish Festival. This larger than life party is equipped with music, dancing and massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-5k party on the planet!
It's a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. We're making rainbows all over the world, come join us!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Review: Base Hits and Home Run Relationships

Base Hits blog tourAbout the book:
Love is like baseball, so hit a home run in your relationship! With Trina Boice’s advice, any man can learn how to step up to the plate. Learn tips, stats, and skills to make a powerful and lasting romance whether you’re in the “minor leagues” of dating or the “major leagues” of married life.

About the author:
Trina Boice grew up in California, but currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. She worked as a Legislative Assistant for a Congressman in Washington D.C., and was given the “Points of Light” Award and Presidential Volunteer Service Award for her domestic and international community service. She wrote a column called “The Boice Box” for a newspaper in Georgia, where she lived for 15 years. She taught Spanish at a private high school and ran an appraisal business with her husband for 20 years. She currently writes for several web sites and is the Entertainment News Editor for Bella Online. Trina was selected by KPBS in San Diego to be a political correspondent during the last presidential election.

From Reidhead Randomness:

Sports and Relationships go hand in hand, right?  This book takes you through great analogys that sports fans can relate give you relationship advice.  Written by a woman, for men, this book gives them the information about understanding women's thoughts, dating, and many other topics.  There is lots of humor mingled in the information of "WHAT WOMEN WISH GUYS KNEW."

While this book is written for the guys, there is "A league of their own" section at the end of each chapter that is written for the women.  They are filled with great advice and reminders to help the women as well. 

The book is broken into 3 innings.  The first inning is (Play ball) "for all the guys."  The second inning (The minor leagues) "for single guys" is by far the biggest chapter.  The Third inning (The Major League) "for married guys" wraps up the book.

The author has a great understanding of baseball and has written a very entertaining and informative book.  This was very clever and used the baseball analogy to its fullest.  There are cute one liner "baseball card" cartoons that brighten up the book.

I received this book in order to write my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Review: The Magical Slow Cooker

About the book:
Do you believe in magic? Well, your slow cooker does. From breakfast to dessert, these recipes are perfect for busy moms who want something that’s quick and wholesome—not to mention delicious! With prepare-ahead tips and time-saving tricks from this little book—and the swish and flick of a wand—you can experience the magic of your slow cooker every night of the week!

About the author:
Sarah Olson is the creator of the blog “The Magical Slow Cooker”. She loves that a few simple ingredients can turn into magic while slow cooking. Sarah also works full-time as a mail carrier and resides in Springfield, Oregon with her husband and young daughter. You can learn more about Sarah at

From Reidhead Randomness:

Easy. Yummy. Quick!  The recipes are easy, yummy and quick to put together.  My family and I have been feasting from the slow cooker in preparation for this review!  My kids aren't really picky eaters, but they LOVED everything I have made from this cookbook.  They did complain about the smell of the cooking broccoli in the recipe 'Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli' but they ended up loving the taste after it was all done.

The calico baked beans were fabulous! My daughter (Mac & Cheese fanatic) loved the Mac & Cheese in the crock pot! 

There is a big variety of recipes...Breakfast, Party Foods, Side Dishes, Soups & Stews, Chilies, Main Dishes, and Desserts!

If I had one complaint, it would be that there are a lot of "premade" ingredients.  For example:  Rather than use spices in the cupboard, it calls for "dry spaghetti sauce mix"....or other "seasoning mixes."  I know they are meant to save time and make things easier, but I would like to have the spices list as a foot note as another option. 

I can't wait to try more of these recipe creations....I have so many pages book marked!  EVERYTHING was super yummy, and very easy!  I really liked this cookbook! 

I received a copy of this book to review, however all opinions are my own.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Review: Have Gavel Will Travel

Have-Gavel-Will-Travel-Blog-Tour-Banner-2About the book:
What happens in a national park doesn’t stay in a national park. It often ends up in Robert Braithwaite’s courtroom—or sometimes on his kitchen table. Over a lifetime of administering justice, he saw everything from canoodling nudes to sheep hunters with drones to downright dangerous drug cartels. This collection of cases is so outrageous and bizarre you’ll have to read it to believe it.

About the author:
Robert Braithwaite currently resides in Cedar City, Utah. He attended Southern Utah University and the University of Utah, graduating in 1973 with a B. S. in Political Science in 1973. He graduated from the University of Utah School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree in 1976. As an attorney he maintained a private practice and served as City Attorney for Cedar City, Parowan and Springdale. He also served for eight years as a member of the Utah Air Conservation Committee, the statutorily-established body regulating pollution emissions in the state.
In a twenty-seven year career as a judge, Robert Braithwaite has been a circuit judge, a district judge, a juvenile judge, a pro tem Utah Supreme Court judge and is now a U. S. magistrate judge. While a state judge, he served on the Utah Judicial Council, the governing board of the Utah state judiciary, and served as chairman of its Policy and Planning subcommittee. As a part-time magistrate judge he now hears criminal cases arising in the southern half of Utah, usually occurring in National Parks and Monuments, National Forests, and federal lands. Needless to say, he rides a circuit, hearing cases in four diverse locations at St. George, Big Water, Moab, and Salt Lake City.
His wife is an artist and art professor. Together they have raised four children.

Reidhead Randomness:

Take a trip around Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell, Zion, Bryce, Capitol Reef, Arches and Canyonland without ever leaving your seat!  The author of Have Gavel Will Travel is quite the word-smith!  The descriptions are so detailed of the beautiful landscape and scenery, that you would swear you had actually been there!

If you haven't been to Lake Powel (I haven't), It was surprising to find out that there is a convenience store called "Dangling Rope" that is in the MIDDLE OF THE LAKE!  Not only that, but that there is more ice cream, beer and soda pop sold there than any other convenience store in the  country!!!

There are LOTS of surprises, interesting tid bits, and fun stories that await you in this fun read!  It also gives you a real feel for what it is really like to be a judge (Many of them I hadn't ever thought of!).  If you enjoy reading about funny cases or strange courtroom trials, this would be a fun book for you.  It is well written and easy to read.

I received a copy to write my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Review: A Mother's Greatest Gift

A Mother's Greatest Gift blog tourAbout the book:
You don’t need to be an expert to be a good mom; you just need the Lord’s help. Learn how to seek out the best parenting Guide—the Holy Ghost—in this insightful and inspiring book. With personal stories, research, and interviews, this is every mother’s must-read handbook for finding answers and keeping the Spirit in her home.

About the author:
Heidi Poelman was born in Provo, Utah. She lived in North Carolina, San Diego, London, and Mexico before planting her roots firmly back in the Beehive State. Heidi received her degrees in communication from Brigham Young University (BA) and Wake Forest University (MA). Her experience includes working in public relations for high-tech companies, helping college students fight global poverty, teaching families about nutritious food storage options, writing stories for children, and her favorite post as full-time Mom. Heidi is the author of A is for Abinadi: An Alphabet Book of Scripture Heroes as well as several stories published in The Friend magazine. Her biggest fans are her husband and three children.

From Reidhead Randomness:
A Mother's Greatest Gift is a wonderful book for ALL mothers!  It helps you to recognize and strengthen your connection to the spirit and teaches you to depend on the Lord for all your parenting questions. 
The first Chapter talks about motherhood (The most important job on Earth) and why God cares so much.  It shares quotes by general authorities and stories.  Some of the next chapters cover The Holy Ghost, Promptings, Prayers from mothers, and The voice of warning.  The chapter discussing strengthening our ability to hear was very insightful.  Great quotes, scriptures and stories abound as we, the reader, are taught how we can be closer to the spirit to be able to hear and recognize the spirit prompting us.  (It was probably the longest chapter too).  The book wraps up with teaching our children to HEAR.
What a wonderful book for mothers of all ages.....whether you have young kids, teens, or grown kids, there is something for everyone.  This would make a wonderful Mother's Day gift!

I received a copy to do my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Review: Party with Sweet Treats

About the book:
It’s not a party till you see these sweets! From April Fool’s Day fun to birthday bashes and graduation gatherings, Party with Sweet Treats is a full collection of easy-to-make edible crafts that are sure to impress all your guests. With so many delicious recipes and adorable treats to try, you’ll want to find any excuse to celebrate!

About the author:
When Norene’s sons became teenagers, she realized how much she missed being a room mom. Making sweet treats with the kids and throw- ing classroom parties were all a thing of the past. As a result, she created Party Pinching, a popular website where she could blog about her cute food and budget-friendly party ideas. Her adora- ble desserts have been featured in Family Fun magazine, Seventeen magazine, and Taste of Home, and have been praised by Martha Stewart and Shark Tank’s Bar- bara Corcoran. She is a frequent guest on New Day Northwest, a morning television show in Seattle, where her easy dessert demonstrations get rave reviews.
Norene’s love for celebrating special occasions with all things sweet inspired her to write Party with Sweet Treats, the perfect sequel to her first book, Sweet Treats for the Holidays.

From Reidhead Randomness:
This book is filled with lots of creative and CUTE treats.  It takes you through fun ideas of how to change the recipe and make it "your own."  Helpful tips and tricks abound as you go through the recipes and  tutorials.

After all the tutorials section, it begins with Holidays.  To kick things off, it starts with Chinese New Year (Fun panda's and dragons greet you).  All the major and some minor holidays are included with cute treats (Ladybugs, bears, mice, puppies, leprechauns, and bunnies....just to name the first few!)  Even APRIL FOOLS is included!  I can't wait to try these on my kids next year!!!  Graduation and Bridal Shower ideas are also fun ones!  There are fun themed sections also (Mexican, Bachelorette party, Beach, game night, sports, summer, and MANY MORE!!!)

The instructions are explained well, and are easy to follow.  This was really fun to look through and dream up all the fun parties I could have so I could make these fun treats!  Much thought and imagination has been poured into the cute treats!  There is really something for everyone!

I received an ebook to do my review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Review: The Quantum Deception

Quantum Deception blog tourAbout the book:
What starts out as a calm night in Salt Lake City turns into chaos when a passenger plane crashes into the mountains. When reformed cyber hacker Tanner Stone links the accident to an ingenious Chinese computer virus, it’s up to him to prevent it from destroying the financial data of everyone in America! Thrilling, explosive, and packed with twists, this book changes everything you know about Internet security.

About the author:
Few people understand the terrifying, yet realistic threat of computer hacking like Denver Acey. Denver has spent his entire professional career in the information technology industry where he has witnessed and even thwarted actual cybercrime. From his top-secret job working for the US government to securing computer networks at Fortune 500 companies, Denver is personally familiar with hackers and their unscrupulous activities.
But over the years, Denver has become increasingly frustrated with Hollywood’s inaccurate portrayal of cybercrime. Hackers are more intelligent and more sophisticated than simple teenagers, who guzzle down Mountain Dew while playing video games. Cybercrime is a billion-dollar business that encompasses organized crime and foreign governments. For these elite hackers, the fruits of success are iconic trademarks, innovative patents, and government secrets.
Because of his unique background, Denver decided to write a book to dispel hacking myths while highlighting the tenacity of cybercriminals. Utilizing actual computer hacking concepts and scenarios that he has experienced firsthand, Denver illustrates — in a simple way for even the non-techie to understand — how vulnerable we all are to cybercrime.

FROM REIDHEAD RANDOMNESS (guest post from Mr. Randomness):

Now I have to go back and read quantum breach, the first book in the two book series.  This was a fun read.  Quantum deception is based in the same area that I live.  Now I'll never be able to look at the NSA data complex the same.  I'll always be wondering what capabilities they REALLY have for identifying terrorist threats.  As a fan of internet security and any and all technology, this was a fairly fast read with enough factual information to make it seem reasonably plausible.  The target audience for this book would probably be adults with an interest in cyber security.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Review: Daily Tortilla

About the book:
Sopes, Tamales, Pozole, Huevos Rancheros, you’ve never had Mexican food like this! Daily Tortilla starts with the basics of tortillas, beans, rice, and salsas, and then builds to an incredibly delicious repertoire of dishes found in any family dining room in Mexico. Say “adios” to Americanized Mexican food this is authentic, south-of-the-border flavor at its finest!

About the author:
Ricardo M. James grew up in a rural town in Wyoming. He studied Spanish Pedagogy at Brigham Young University where he also taught Spanish and directed study abroad programs to Mexico. He currently owns a consulting firm that provides technology solutions to K-12 schools across the United States and South America. He lives in Springville, Utah with his wife and five kids. He blogs food goodness at

From Reidhead Randomness:

YUMMY.  That is all.

Just kidding!

What a delicious collection of Mexican recipes! There are the "simple" things like Guacamole and Pico de Gallo...and the challenging ones like Tamales de puerco (I haven't been brave enough...or had the time to dedicate to this one).  Everything that I tried was AMAZZZING!  
I LOVE that the recipes have great instructions and pictures to help you be successful!  Another wonderful feature is that it takes the time to explain the logistics of  different things.....Salsa for example...Bulk, Heat, Spice (are the components of salsa)....And how you can make hundreds of combinations of salsas!

The Daily Tortilla covers all the bases!  It includes the basics (salsa, guacamole, etc), the main dishes, first courses, desserts and drinks!

On the back cover it states it very well with; "Say Adios to Americanized Mexican food!"

I received a copy to write this review, however all opionions expressed are my own.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

GIVEAWAY! Win a FREE Color RUN Salt Lake City code...and a discount code!

Want to do the Color Run!? It was so much fun last year! 

How about a coupon code?? Use code: TCRSLC2 and save $5!  

Color run coupon code: Use code TCRSLC2 and save $5!

 A global phenomenon is reaching all new heights as The Color Run Shine Tour 2015 jumps from sea to shining sea. Are you ready Salt Lake City for 8/22?! With sparkly new course elements, The Color Run is bringing you all the glitz. Dance, twirl or skip your way to sparkley goodness! Sign up today!Sign up TODAY! 

HURRY before the price increases! 

Experience the Shine Tour Aug 22, 2015!
The Shine Tour is here! We have so many surprises in store for you! Grab your besties and spread the word because tickets will go fast!
Team (4+) Runners* Individual Runner
$35.00/person - Team Runner Pricing $39.50 - Solo Runner Pricing
$40.00/person - Starting April 1st, 2015 $45.00 - Starting April 1st, 2015
$45.00/person - Starting July 1st, 2015 $50.00 - Starting July 1st, 2015
*A team is 4+ friends running, laughing, and dancing through the course together. You don't need a full team to get started! Get yourself signed up today and then round up your team!  Encourage them to signup ASAP...creating a team does not hold or reserve spots.  The event can sell out at any time.

We can’t wait to see you! Below is all the information you will need to be ready for race day. Grab your tutus, your friends, and your running shoes and we’ll see you at the start line!

Start Window

The start-line window will open at 9:00 AM with waves going every few minutes until about 10:00 AM! Make sure you plan your day with plenty of time. At The Color Run, the start line is its own pre-race party with music, dancing, warmup stretching and giveaways!

Course Map

Library Square, Downtown SLC
200 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

What Is The Color Run?

At more than 1,000,000+ Color Runners strong, The Color Run is on almost every single continent on EARTH!

Less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having the time of your life, The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.
With only two rules, the idea is easy to follow:
1. Wear white at the starting line
2. Finish plastered in color!
The fun continues after Color Runners complete the race with an unforgettable Finish Festival. This larger than life party is equipped with music, dancing and massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-5k party on the planet!
It's a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality. We're making rainbows all over the world, come join us!


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