Thursday, February 26, 2015

Review: The Lazarus Game

Lazarus Game blog tour
About the book:
An amazing new video game has the power to resurrect the brightest minds of the past and see what they’d create in the modern world. There’s just one catch—it requires another person’s soul. Carter Chance, who is a teenage genius, must find a way to stop his generation from exchanging their souls for a computer-generated fantasy. This action-packed thriller delves into the enticement and dangers of virtual reality.

About the author:
Stephen J. Valentine received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Utah State University. He is Senior Program Manager for FamilySearch International, responsible for the online publication of billions of historical records. Stephen loves history, hiking, cooking, reading, and traveling, especially to Disneyland. Stephen resides in Utah with his beautiful wife, talented children, brilliant Schnauzer, and massive J.R.R. Tolkien collection.

(Guest post from my hubby!!!)

What would you do if you were the smartest person in the world and only a teenager?  Your parents have been divorced, and you have trouble understanding human relationships.  You'd probably be pretty cynical.  Enter our main character/hero: Carter.  He sees everyone as a means to an end, except that is, his girlfriend (or at least the girl that he would like to be his girlfriend).  Put that into the context of a computer game that has come to town that seems to have the power to grant everyone's fantasy life and you have the makings of a great story.

I liked the premise of this story and the thought of what you could do if you could harness the combined genius of  the world.   I was frustrated by the attitude of Carter toward his family and friends and the outright contempt he showed for anyone not as smart as himself.  I was hoping to see more change and character development of Carter through the book.  I would recommend this for older teens or adults who would not be negatively influenced by Carter's attitude.  Overall, I enjoyed the read and the twists and turns and surprises. 

I received a free copy of this book to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Review: Sharing the Gospel through social media

Sharing Gospel Social Media blog tour
About the book:
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ has never been easier. This book was written to help bishops, ward mission leaders, stake presidents, stake public affairs directors, mission presidents, and every day member missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, learn to navigate and appreciate the potential of social media in their missionary efforts. Explanations, ideas, and strategies are provided on how to incorporate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other networks into Mormon missionary efforts. This ebook makes it easy for even social media beginners to effectively share the gospel online.

About the author:
Erin Ann McBride is the author of Sharing the Gospel through Social Media, Increase E-Book Sales with Social Media Marketing, and the novels, You Heard It Here First, This Just In!, and Beyond Perfection. She is also a columnist for LDS-oriented Meridian Magazine. She is a full-time social media marketing consultant and writer. She graduated from George Mason University in Communications. She lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC.

This was a quick read with only 69 pages....but they were able to pack LOADS of information in this tiny but mighty book!  It begins by introducing you to the power and influence that IS social media.  It helps you step by step to set up a facebook page, helps you understand hashtags and how tweets can go viral, what you can do on twitter, and some examples of @ __________ of church leaders and other church related things.  Another great section was the instagram background and usage information and the pinterest lay of the land.  It next goes on to help you understand youtube and where you can find different youtube church "channels".  Next topic covered is "all those other social media sites", but they are much less common and popular.  Blogging is also covered briefly.  The final chapters cover social media strategies for group leaders and some final thoughts on sharing the gospel. 

There are many references to talks given by church leaders inviting us to share the gospel.   One thing it does well is explain that there are many ways in using our social media resources to reach out to others in a personal way.  It talks about how each network tool reaches a different audience with a different effect, so certain sites may work better than others for a particular audience.

This is a great beginners guide to all that is social media!  

I received a free copy of this book to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Review: Teaching Children About Sex using the temple as your guide

Teaching Children About Sex blog tour
About the book:

It’s time for the talk. Teach your children the truth about sexual intimacy in a world of shifting values and ideas. With expert advice and age-appropriate wording, you learn how to use the temple as a beautiful analogy to discuss with your kids the sacred subject of sex. Timely and clear, this book is a must-read for parents, teachers, and leaders.

About the author:
Cherri H. Brooks grew up in Centerville, Utah and attended Utah State University where she earned her M.S. in Family and Human Development. She is the author of the LDS Living Magazine article, “Talking to Kids about Sex.” Her blog is She lives in Clarksville, Tennessee, with her husband and three children.

From Reidhead Randomness:
The idea behind this book is to make having "THE TALK" easier.  It also helps you to build a trusting and strong relationship with your kids.  It helps by easing you into the the "hot button" or taboo topics that can be awkward to talk about. 

It talks about playing doctor, self exploration, privacy, masturbation, sex, puberty, relationships, abstinence, homosexuality, abuse, harassment, rape, gender identity, same sex attraction, and definition of marriage.  Each of the sections is broken out into phases of "learners" and has a great Questions, answers and ideas section for each type of phase.

This book handles these sensitive topics with tact and grace.  You are given ideas of how to handle situations, and then reminded to invite the spirit in your life for each situation.  It also provides some guidance of what is age appropriate and which topics to address at different ages. There are talks and reports from the church leaders that are referenced to help in difficult conversations. 

This book is very much geared to religious and LDS parents.  It works to teach you the values and council of the church leaders in each of these topics to be able to teach your kids correctly....and as delicately as possible.  It is pointed out that kids will learn much at school from their peers, but that it is parent's responsibility to teach them correct principles at home.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Review: Seek & Find Book of Mormon

Seek and Find blog tour

About the book:
Search for Nephi, Moroni, and other hidden prophets and characters from the scriptures in this fun picture game book. Featuring scenes from the Book of Mormon, this book will keep kids entertained as they look for their favorite scripture heroes and hidden objects in the colorful illustrations. Perfect for home, church, or on the go, it makes learning the scriptures fun for everyone.

About the author:
Jason Pruett has a BFA in Industrial Design from Brigham Young University and an MFA in Illustration from the Academy of Art University. He has created art for games and animation. Jason currently illustrates picture books and the children’s comic book Jimmy Brass, 2nd Grade Detective. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his wife.

From Reidhead Randomness:
This is a really fun "Sacrament" book.  It has definitely been a great (read as: Reverent) addition to our church bag.  The way this book is different than "Where's Waldo" type books is that they ask you to find certain people doing things or interactions that are important in church history/ The Book of Mormon.  Some of the things to find are:  The three witnesses, people trying to get the plates from Joseph in various ways, Lehi preaching to angry people, The Liahona, Lehi blessing children, The Amalicites, Rameumptom, Jesus visiting the Nephites, etc.  Its a nice change to have situations and gospel things to find.  The kind of tricky thing about this book is that the pictures are fairly simple, and the things you find have to be read, so it is geared more toward older kids (the reading), and also toward  younger kids (the easier pictures).   Overall, this is a fun book for kids, but be prepared to read (whisper) to your young kids what to find.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Review: The Bacon Lover's Cookbook

About the book:
It’s bacon time! With breakfasts, dinners, desserts, and everything in between, this full-color novelty cookbook proves that everything really is better with bacon. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for your bacon-obsessed friend or you’re a bacon aficionado yourself, you’ll love the mouthwatering recipes and fun facts in The Bacon Lover’s Cookbook.

About the author:
Christina Dymock graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications. She currently resides in Central Utah with her husband and four children who are often her inspiration for new recipes and ideas. Among other things, she enjoys cycling, skiing, wakeboarding, sewing, reading, and baking. You can contact Christina through her blog at:


Where do I begin?!
I.  LOVE.  COOKBOOKS.  And choosing a favorite would be like trying to choose a favorite child.....well, ALMOST.  But having said that, I think this might be my newest favorite cookbook! 

The book begins your salivary glands flowing by "teaching" you the methods of cooking bacon (Fry, bake, broil, microwave, iron, bbq) with helpful hints and tricks to teach you the PROPER way to cook bacon.  There is also a page dedicated to tips for cooking bacon to get it perfect, along with other bacon know-how.  I found it helpful and very interesting.

Breakfast starts us off down our bacon fest with fabulous recipes  like applesauce bacon dippers and bacon sticky buns.  These aren't traditional breakfasts with the bacon on the side....OH NO!  They are fully integrated in each recipe.  There are also some surprises like waffle sandwiches and breakfast enchiladas.

Sequentially, lunch follows with tempting edibles like "Can't help falling in love with bacon sandwich" (Elvis inspired with bacon, peanut butter, banana and brown sugar....Ya gotta try it!), a giant cob sandwich, and a chicken bacon salad sandwich.

Not to be out done, the dinner section was the best!  There were soups, burgers, steak bites, pasta dishes, chicken smothered with bacon, chicken wrapping bacon and cheese, pizza, and skewers.  My favorite was the Chicken Bacon Jack.  DELICIOUS!

Side dishes section is full of yummy  dishes like bacon and broccoli bake, baked beans, and bacon and onion bread.

I think the funnest section is the SWEETS!  (Who would have thought to put white chocolate rice krispy treats and bacon together!?)  There are LOTS of fun recipes ranging from bacon cookies, bacon caramel dipped apples, cupcakes, brownies, and CARAMELS!  There were so many fun sweets recipes in the book that it made me think of bacon in a totally different light!  (I have heard bacon referred to as "MEAT CANDY").

A fun addition to each page is the "Bacon Bits".....a little tidbit of information relating to BACON...whether its facts about quantity purchase in the US, bacon "fests", uses for the greese, etc.  (There was a little  typo on pages 83 and 84 as they share the same exact bacon bit).

Definitely a cookbook worth having in your collection....or maybe 2 copies, since one will probably get drooled on from having a picture of EVERY. SINGLE. RECIPE....or from getting grease from all this bacon you will now be enjoying!

Did I mention there was a picture for every single recipe!:?

Cedar Fort provided me a free copy of this fabulous cookbook for me to review, however all opinions expressed are my own.

Review: In the Kitchen

About the book:
Savor your favorite family memories—ones that start right in your kitchen. Popular TV personality Allison Waggoner brings her family’s recipes to your table in this beautiful collection of meals. With recipes for brunch, dinner, dessert, and drinks, this cookbook invites you to create your own family memories, full of delicious food, fun with friends, and love that lasts a lifetime.

About the author:
Growing up in the chocolate industry inspired a journey filled with delicious and innovate cuisine for Allison Waggoner. Allison began her career developing her family’s gourmet chocolates, creating some of the finest, award-winning confections in the world. Her culinary designs have been featured in Crate & Barrel, Culinary Product Magazine, Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, Godiva Chocolatier, Walt Disney World, Fancy Food Magazine, Sally Foster Magazine, Target, Universal Studios, William-Sonoma and The Food Network. As a classically trained chef, Allison’s culinary and marketing career brought her to the attention of television executives. She first appeared as a guest host, bringing her confections and family history to the home shopping industry. Allison is presently seen in more than 80 million homes as a host on ShopHQ, a leader in retail broadcasting.
Now, Allison brings her love of food and favorite recipes to you in her first cookbook. A nostalgic collection of recipes accumulated through the course of her life and career, In the Kitchen is filled with simple, delicious dishes for every day of the week.

This is an interesting cookbook.....there is something for everyone!  It starts with Breakfast/Brunch recipes (the morning cheese danish one looking the most tempting on its 2 page picture).  She has some fun tidbits about her family chocolate business and histories of different recipes.  One of the recipes that I enjoyed was the Chocolate Cashew Butter (on apple slices).  It was really easy to make and yummy to eat!

Entrees is the next section that I discovered a wealth of tempting dinner choices.  Some of them, I might someday be adventurous enough to try....Maybe.  The entree that did jump out at me was the asian cashew chicken lettuce taco's ( can use the leftovers from this to make the cashew butter mentioned earlier!)  Also, the green enchiladas were yummy.  The one my 6 year old requested was the Mac and cheese.  (This has a tiny bit of cayenne and nutmeg to give it a unique flavor.) 

The next section to be......wait for it......TRIFFLED with is DESSERTS!  Some of them are fancier than my kids could appreciate.  They are more a "grown - UP" taste (Fig Crostata, strawberry mille-feuille), but there were plenty that were family treat worthy (elephant ears, salted caramel hand pies, raspberry lemonade slices, salted caramel chocolate chunk cookies...with a 2 page picture enough to make your mouth water!)

Pressure cooking provided 4 recipes that leads to cocktails that wraps up the book.

The pictures are beautiful!  They make your mouth water and entices you to add "just one more" recipe to your menu for the week.

The recipes that I tried were fairly easy to make and used common ingredients, although there are several "exotic" recipes ( Creamy Asparagus Soup with seared scallops....maybe it's just the scallops part that makes it exotic to me???!!) that you would need to make a trip to the store.

There really is something for everyone!

Cedar Fort provided me with a free copy to be able to write this review, however all opinions are my own.

Review: Gluten-Free on a Budget

About the book:
Eat more gluten-free goodness—while spending a lot less! From creamy Italian chicken to black bottom banana pie, this cookbook takes traditional family favorites to a whole new gluten-free level—and does it all without breaking the bank. With food that’s so delicious, so good for you, and so inexpensive, this is one cookbook you’ll want to use for every meal! From delicious creamy Italian chicken to warm cookies, this cookbook takes traditional family favorites to a whole new gluten-free level—and does it all without breaking the bank!

About the author:
Chandice Probst is the Founder of popular website, which is known as the #1 gluten free giveaway site and provides individuals with recipes, reviews, giveaways and much more. She is Co-Founder and CEO of Gluten Free Calendar, which hosts Celebrate Celiac™ events and Celiac Awareness Nights with professional athletic teams nationwide to promote celiac awareness, raise proceeds for non-profit research facilities and achieve the companies slogan of Unity in the Gluten Free Community™.
Chandice founded the Celiac Disease Foundation Arizona East Valley Chapter in 2009 and enjoyed serving as the President for four years. She has a Bachelors of Science in exercise and health wellness from Arizona State University and graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors. Recently she joined the Delight Gluten Free Magazine team as a regular contributing writer and is also an Expert Among Us writer for Chandice has been featured on ABC 15 Sonoran Living, Channel 12 Arizona Midday and in print publications, Women’s World, The Arcadian Journal and Total Kid Magazine. She was a regular contributor on Channel 3 Your Life A to Z in Arizona for over a year as their gluten-free guru before her family made the move to St. George, UT. In her spare time, she also teaches gluten-free cooking classes and seminars and enjoys being a guest speaker nationwide at different gluten-free expos and events. In addition to her above professions, Chandice considers her role as a wife, mother and everyday cook to her family to be of greatest value.
Tana Besendorfer has been a passionate cook since the age of 11. She got her first job at her hometown restaurant, Mom’s Café, making pies. Tana is known by all who associate with her as one of the greatest cooks. She is a foodie with focus on health and nutrition to heal the body. Tana is currently a buyer for Real Foods Market where she seeks out the best products to be featured in these one of a kind stores. Her greatest passion is still cooking with and for her family. She especially loves making the holidays more enjoyable for everyone with themed, nutritious food that would put a smile on anyone’s face. Friends of the family often congregate at her home just to enjoy her “famous” cooking.

(Guest post from my mom...who eats strictly GLUTEN FREE)

This cookbook offers a great variety of totally gluten-free recipes that are easy on the budget.  It has everything from favorite sweet and sour Chicken with ham fried rice, to ice cream sandwiches.  It also has a shopping list and things to stock in your panty for the recipes.  (It even mentions FOOD STORAGE for Gluten Free!!!)  There are great photos of most of the recipes and they truly are a feast for the eyes.  The large pictures really make this cookbook stand out as high quality.  Each recipe has simple to understand instructions.  This book is very well done, and as a celiac myself, I highly recommend this book.  There are many recipes that are close to the things you normally miss, eating gluten-free.  I am just thrilled with this book.  The foods are absolutely delicious! 

I have tried the recipe for sweet and sour chicken with ham fried rice and it is very close to my favorite Chinese restaurant that I used to go to.  The flavors are great and the textures are very good.
I also tried the danish and it was yummy!  My husband had it for breakfast for several days.  I was surprised to see a recipe for peanut butter cookies made without flour.  I was skeptical but I made it and they turned out very tasty.  (They did crumble very easy though.)   You couldn't really pick them up and hold them like a regular cookie, but the taste was great!  My favorite recipe so far has been the poppy seed cake.  It is fantastic!  The only thing I had issues with was that I had to bake it for 20 mins longer than the longest time specified.  I think it may be because I live in a high altitude area and maybe I should have added more flour.  But the cake is moist, and just mouthwatering.

Another thing that was different to me, was using so many types of flours.  I have been eating gluten free for 10 years and I have pretty much used the same 3 flours for my recipes.  I can't believe the difference using coconut, almond, sorghum and other special flours, have made in the taste.  I am just loving the new flavors that these recipes bring.

The one thing I looked for and didn't see in the recipes however, was how many servings each one made.  Being an empty nester, I mostly just cook for my husband and myself, so I want to be able to scale the recipe down.  The recipes all seem to be for a large family.  We had several meals/servings out of each recipe that I made. 

In the front of the book is the story of the two women who made this book.  It really gives you a feel of knowing that they are real people like me. 

Over all this book is now going to be one of my favorites, and I am looking forward to trying many many more of the recipes.

 Cedar Fort sent me a free copy of this book to review, however all opinion expressed are my own.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Review: 52 weeks to fortify your family

52 Weeks to Fortify blog tour
About the book:
Arm your children against the fiery darts of the adversary. These small and simple daily devotionals will help them make good decisions and strengthen their testimonies. Designed to get your family studying the scriptures, this book includes a new theme for each week and new scriptures, quotes, and questions for each day so you can discuss the gospel together. Quick and easy, this book will help keep your family close to the Spirit.

About the author:
Nicole Carpenter is an advocate for strong families. She believes in focusing first on strengthening mothers so they can fortify their children. Nicole is a mentor, speaker and founder of, a blog and online community for mothers, reaching out to moms in over 7 different countries. She is the creator of the Define Your Time™ time-management e-course and the Mothers of Magnitude Academy. Nicole’s parenting column publishes regularly on and has been syndicated in several other online news sources. Nicole graduated with a B.A. degree in Public Relations from Weber State University, where she also met her husband, Marty. They reside in Syracuse, Utah and are raising four incredible children, including a set of identical twins. And — to make it all happen — she may or may not rely on Diet Dr Pepper and chocolate-covered toffee hidden in the fridge.

From Reidhead Randomness:
The book is broken into four sections: value lessons, life lessons, gospel lessons and holiday lessons.  Each lesson starts with 'daily scripture discussions' where each day of the week starts with a short sentence or two and then has some scriptures to read and discuss. At the end of each chapter/week there is a 'quote', 'thoughtful questions', and a 'supporting conference address'.

Its nice that each week is one topic, and then you move on to another topic the next week.  (This keeps things interesting!)  You can jump around as your family needs, or just go cover to cover.  (If you do jump around, there are little boxes in the front table of contents that you can check off as you complete them).  If your kids are young, there might not be much "discussing" going on.  If that is the case, you could just read an extra day of the thought/ scripture.  If your kids are older and you want to stretch out the devotional time each day, you could always just read the whole weeks worth of scriptures and do a daily "TOPIC" study...instead of doing it over a week. 
We already do daily scripture study with our kids each morning, but this was a great addition to our mornings.  I think if you are looking to just get started, this would be a great resource to you.

Thanks to Cedar Fort for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

Review: Colorful Cooking

About the book:
Finally, a fun and easy way to get your children to eat more fruits and veggies—and cook everything themselves! Youngsters will learn all about nutrition and healthful living as they cook their way through the rainbow with yummy recipes like Blueberry Pancakes, Sweet Potato Fries, and Pineapple Sherbet. Each recipe includes nourishing, colorful ingredients and step-by-step photos to guide your child to a lifetime of wholesome eating.

About the author:
Jacque Wick was born in Denver Colorado. She studied education at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, and later came back to Denver where she studied computer science at Colorado Women’s college. She then worked in the computer science field. She later met and married her husband.
Tragedy stuck as Jacque’s husband died at a young age. She then began her life as a single mom to a toddler and baby. She developed and sold teaching materials to schools and retail outlets. She was recognized through Scottsdale Women’s News as a pioneer of her time building a home business to stay home with her children. Jacque moved to Texas to be closer to her aging father. For over ten years Jacque taught children alongside selling her educational materials.
Two of her greatest gifts were her two children left to her from her husband. Recently Jacque became a grandmother. She lives in Arizona with her little dog Kanga.

 FROM Reidhead Randomness:
Healthy and Fun Recipes That Kids Can Make was very fun for my daughter (age 6).  The recipes are healthy, and everything is depicted with children doing ALL the cooking. The recipes in this book are easy and inexpensive to make. They use common ingredients, and most seem like the kids would actually like them.  

This cookbook is broken down into seven parts (by color).  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple, Brown, and "rainbow". There is also a section that has "teaching" help them learn about the foods, kitchen safety, list making, etc.  It has lots of helpful tips and techniques.

It is a beautiful hard back book with gorgeous pictures and even better recipes.  I love that the recipes are healthy, easy for kids, and tasty!  I also love that they are color coordinated.  

This is a great teaching tool to help your kids in the early stages of their cooking adventure.

Thanks to Cedar Fort for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Review: Fearless Fabulous YOU!

Melanie-Young-Fearless-Fabulous-You-blog-tourAbout the book:
Stay Fearless and Fabulous at every age and stage of your life with inspirational insights, motivational quotes and helpful checklists to face challenges with grace and make the changes in life that are right for you.
Make yourself your Number One priority and project your Amazing Authenticity and Brilliance. Motivational muse, wellness advocate, business woman and breast cancer survivor Melanie Young, author of International Book Award- winning, Getting Things Off My Chest, shares her tips on how to:
  • Recharge your mental batteries and revalue your self worth
  • Release negative energy and embrace positive change
  • Reconnect with your amazing talents and turn road blocks into building blocks
  • Reframe the vision of who you want to be and how you want to project yourself
  • Reclaim the person you are destined to be and the life you want to live
If you feel stuck in a rut and need a re-energizing mental boost, keep this book by your bed to remind yourself every day that You can choose to be Fearless & Fabulous.
About the author:
Author Melanie Young has made a career of turning challenges into opportunities as a wine and food marketing and communications specialist. When breast cancer took her on an unexpected detour in 2009-2010 she seized the opportunity to make positive lifestyle changes to stay healthy, manage stress, eliminate fear of recurrence and rethink how she wanted to live her life with renewed purpose. Writing was her therapy and voice to help inspire others to face life’s challenges with grit, grace and wit. Her first book, Getting Things Off My Chest, helps newly diagnosed women navigate their breast cancer journey with confidence. In Fearless Fabulous You! Melanie’s message is: “Be CEO- chief empowerment officer- of your life. Find your passion and purpose; be your own wellness advocate and believe in your self-worth.”
 Reidhead Randomness:
There are five sections in this book: Recharge, Release, Reconnect, Reframe and Reclaim. Each section contains very short chapters (seriously like 2-3 pages) which just take a few minutes to read. At the end of each chapter are quotes, and a "Fearless & Fabulous Five" list.  These highlights five points she made in the chapter.

In the beginning of the book, she talks about making a "to-care" list.  She suggests starting with the things that will take care of yourself, and then figuring out how to fit everything else in.  

In the next few pages is a list of 10 tips to reset and recharge.  I REALLY need to work on them.

She moves on to talk about self worth.  I really liked the quote:  "No matter where you go or what you do, being content with yourself and comfortable in your body will make those around you feel more at ease.

Throughout the book, there are lots of fun graphics with quotes that are certainly Pinterest worthy!

The whole book was amazing!  Another favorite section was "Reflect but don't dwell."  If you know someone who is stuck in the past (it may even be you), this is the 3 pages for you!  

I love how she shares personal experiences to help you come to recognize and resolve different challenges we all face.

This is a great book and very helpful.  It's a quick read...and you can do it in very small bites!  You can read one chapter per day, or per week and focus on each of the areas.  If you need reminding, you can always refer to the Fearless & Fabulous Five list at the end of each chapter.

Thanks to Cedar Fort for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Review: Scripture Puzzlers book

Scripture Puzzlers blog tourAbout the book:
Master the scriptures and have fun doing it! Find hidden messages, work through puzzles, and unscramble clues as you learn the essential truths found in scripture mastery passages. Perfect for seminary, Sunday School, family night, personal scripture study, or missionary preparation, this book of puzzles is anything but trivial!

About the author:
MaryAlice Wallis is the co-author of the award winning LDS Puzzle Pals and LDS Puzzle Pals- Prophets and Apostles. She graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is a longtime member of the Golden Quill Writers Group and past member and presenter at American Night Writers Association, Northwest Chapter. She freelance writes children’s literature and Young Adult fiction and is currently writing a homeschooling resource book. MaryAlice and her husband David homeschooled their four children and are experiencing life as half-empty nesters. Their family loves traveling to the beach from their home in the Pacific Northwest.
Charolette Lindstrom is the co-author of two other puzzle books; LDS Puzzle Pals and LDS Puzzle Pals- Prophets and Apostles (under the name C G Lindstrom). She has written many puzzles for The Friend magazine and has stories published in The Friend, The New Era and Cricket magazines. She is an original member of the Golden Quill Writers Group in Southwest Washington. She is also a member of the American Night Writers Association (ANWA). A graduate of Utah State University, she currently teaches 2nd grad in Longview, Washington.

 Reidhead Randomness thoughts: 
The Scripture Puzzler book was a really fun addition to my primary on Sunday.  It is a great resource to have in our closet for an extra time filler if our sharing time/singing time runs short.  (In the front of the book, it says the individual pages may be photocopied for educational and personal use.)

I found that the puzzles were geared more for senior primary.  They have puzzles for many different topics:  Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine & Covenants.  There are also sections of: references and hits, tips for solving, and an answer key.

Some of the puzzle types included in the sections are:  Word search, cross word, matching, word scramble, hidden message, letter drop, missing letter words, scripture find, code, letter clue, and word scramble.

Thank you, Cedar Fort publisher for the free copy of this book to write this review.  All opinions expressed are my own.